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Student Pick-up and Drop-off

For families that will be dropping off/picking up students at the school, please note the following:

Daily Arrival Procedures:

  • There is a carline available for parent(s)/guardian(s). 

  • Once the carline starts unloading, do not park cars along the sidewalk as this is the carline drop area. The carline will open at 8:52 am. Please pull up as far as possible and staff will be there to assist in letting students out of several cars at a time. When possible, students should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle. 

  • For those students arriving late (after 9:05am) you are to park your vehicle in a parking spot and walk your child to Door B28 (the main office) and the secretarial staff will assist you and your child.  

Daily Dismissal Procedures:

  • Daily early pickups are not permissible.

    • Afterschool activities should be scheduled outside of school hours.

  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are reminded to park in the parking lot and not along the sidewalk.

  • Students being picked up will be escorted to the gymnasium. You will wait outside in line for your child at the gymnasium Door #4 from 3:35 pm to 3:40 pm. 

  • Parents will receive a yearly pick up pass after showing school personnel proper identification. Parents/Guardians should obtain the pass prior to dismissal on the first day. Many parents pick up the pass during Open House. The pass is non-transferable.

  • This pass will be shown and the student will be released to Parent(s)/Guardian(s). This exchange will occur at the outside foyer doorway by the gymnasium.

  • For security purposes, if you are picking up your child at dismissal time, please anticipate approximately a five to ten minute delay.

  • For safety purposes, once you pick up your child we ask that you do not allow them to play in the courtyard area of the school grounds.